Polystichum auriculatum
A beautiful fern with dark green fronds forming a shuttle cock arrangement
Polystichum tsussimense
A beautiful fern with dark green fronds forming a shuttle cock arrangement
Primula malacoides
A pretty flowering plant with dainty pink, lilac or reddish flowers with a yellow eye
Primula obconica
A pretty flowering plant with colourful rounded heads of salverform shaped flowers
Primula sinensis
A pretty flowering plant with dainty frilly edged flowers
Primula x kewensis
A pretty flowering plant with dainty fragrant yellow flowers
Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum
An attractive foliage plant with rich purple and green leaves
Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum ‘Variegatum’
An attractive foliage plant with colourful leaves splashed and suffused with yellow pink and purple
Pteris cretica
A very pretty fern with slender delicate foliage
Pteris cretica ‘Albolineata’
A very pretty fern with slender delicate foliage with a broad white band down the centre of each frond (leaf)
Pteris cretica ‘Alexandrae’
A very pretty fern with slender delicate foliage with a cockscomb effect on the end of the fronds (leaves)
Pteris cretica ‘Wilsonii’
A very pretty fern with slender delicate foliage with feathery tips