Showing 61–67 of 67 results

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Sparganium erectum

A vigorous, marginal aquatic with narrow deep green leaves and greenish brown flowerheads followed by prickly brown fruit.

Stratiotes aloides

An aquatic perennial forming floating rosettes of prickly narrow green leaves with white flowers in mid-summer. Plant sinks to the bottom after flowering coming back to the surface in august.

Typha angustifolia

A marginal aquatic perennial with narrow leaves. Brown spikes in mid-summer lasting well into autumn.

Typha latifolia

A marginal aquatic perennial with strap-shaped narrow leaves. Dark brown spikes in summer lasting well into autumn.

Typha latifolia ‘Variegata’

A marginal aquatic perennial with strap-shaped narrow leaves with cream stripes. Dark brown spikes in summer lasting well into autumn.

Typha minima

A slender marginal aquatic perennial with very narrow leaves. Dark brown spikes from mid to late summer.

Veronica beccabunga

An aquatic perennial with fleshy mid-green leaves. Upright stems of blue flowers from late spring to late summer.