Showing 121–132 of 190 results

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Lilium martagon

A beautiful lily with nodding turkscap flowers of pink to purplish red with darker spotting in summer.

Lilium martagon var. album

A beautiful lily with nodding turkscap flowers of pure white on bright green stems in summer.

Lilium monadelphum (IX)

Exotic, showy, trumpet shaped yellow blooms spotted purple

Lilium nanum (IX)

Beautiful, solitary, bell-shaped, pale pink to rose pink blooms

Lilium nepalense

A beautiful lily with funnel-shaped flowers of greenish yellow with maroon in the centre from early to mid-summer.

Lilium oxypetalum var. insigne (IX)

Beautiful, bowl shaped purple blooms blooms

Lilium pardalinum (IX)

Exotic, turkscap shaped, orange-red to crimson blooms with large maroon spots

Lilium Pink Perfection Group (VIa)

Exotic, showy, purplish-pink trumpet shaped blooms with bright orange anthers

Lilium pumilum

A beautiful lily with pendant, nodding turkscap scarlet flowers in early summer.

Lilium pyrenaicum

A beautiful lily with pendant, turkscap yellow or greenish yellow flowers marked and spotted dark maroon from early to mid-summer.

Lilium regale

A beautiful lily with very fragrant, trumpet-shaped, white flowers flushed purple on the outside in mid-summer.

Lilium regale Royal Gold Group (IX)

Exotic, showy, trumpet shaped, golden-yellow blooms