Showing 49–60 of 190 results

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Crocus goulimyi

An autumn flowering bulb with narrow, green leaves. Rounded, scented, lilac flowers.

Crocus sativus

An autumn flowering bulb with open, rich lilac flowers with purple veins, narrow, dull green leaves are produced with or slightly after flowering. Saffron is obtained from the deep red style.

Crocus speciosus

An autumn flowering bulb with long tubed violet-blue flowers with deeper blue veins, narrow, green leaves are produced after flowering.

Crocus tommasinianus

A late winter to spring flowering bulb with long tubed pale silvery lilac to shades of reddish purple flowers, often overlaid with silver.

Crocus tommasinianus ‘Ruby Giant’

A late winter to spring flowering bulb with long tubed reddish purple flowers.

Crocus tommasinianus ‘Whitewell Purple’

A late winter to spring flowering bulb with long tubed reddish purple flowers, with silver mauve inside.

Eucomis bicolor

A bulbous perennial with strap-shaped leaves. A striking plant when in flower , has stems of pale green flowers , purple margined topped with a rosette of leaves.

Eucomis comosa

A bulbous perennial with strap-shaped, spotted leaves. A striking plant when in flower with stems of white flowers, purple margined topped with a rosette of leaves.

Fritillaria acmopetala

A bulbous perennial with narrow bluish green leaves, in spring charming pendent, bell-shaped, green flowers with reddish brown marks.

Fritillaria affinis

Attractive greenish-white cup-shaped flowers stained and speckled purple

Fritillaria biflora ‘Martha Roderick’

Very beautiful bell shaped deep red-purple flowers bourne in early spring

Fritillaria camschatcensis

A bulbous perennial with narrow light green leaves, in early summer charming clusters of bell-shaped, dark black-purple flowers.