Asplenium dauciflorum (viviparum)
A beautiful fern with finely divided arching fronds (leaves)
Asplenium nidus
A beautiful fern with spear-like fronds (leaves) which surround a fibrous 'nest' in the centre
Asplenium scolopendrium ‘Crispum’
A pretty fern with emerald green wavy edged fronds forming an attractive shuttlecock arrangement
Asplenium scolopendrium ‘Undulatum’
A pretty fern with wavy emerald green fronds forming an attractive shuttlecock arrangement
Astilbe arendsii
A pretty flowering plant that should be planted out permanently in the garden after flowering
Astilbe Mixed Varieties
A pretty flowering plant that should be planted out permanently in the garden after flowering
Astilbe Mixed Varieties
A pretty flowering plant that should be planted out permanently in the garden after flowering
Astrophytum capricorne
A slow growing spherical cactus with white flecked ribs and beautiful red centred yellow flowers
Astrophytum myriostigma
An attractive spineless cactus with pretty daisy-like yellow flowers with a red centre
Astrophytum ornatum
An attractive spherical to columnar cactus with band markings and lovely daisy-like yellow flowers
Babiana stricta
A spectacular flowering bulb producing large heads of funnel shaped white flowers with a purple throat
Beaucarnea recurvata
An interesting plant with strap-like leaves forming an attractive plume. The base of the stem forms a bulbous-like feature.