Ficus religiosa
A very handsome foliage plant with heart shaped glossy, dark green leaves with unusual tail-like tips
Ficus rubiginosa
A very handsome foliage plant with glossy, leathery dark green leaves which are hairy and rusty when young
Ficus triangularis
A very handsome foliage plant with glossy, leathery dark green triangular leaves
Fittonia pearci
A pretty foliage plant with olive green leaves and attractive bright red veins
Fittonia verschaffeltii
A pretty foliage plant with olive green leaves and attractive carmine pink veins
Fittonia verschaffeltii ‘Nana’
A pretty foliage plant with compact green leaves and attractive silver veins
Fittonia verschaffeltii var. argyroneura
A pretty foliage plant with pale green leaves and attractive silver veins
Freesia Hybrids
A spectacular flowering bulb producing pretty arching heads funnel shaped highly perfumed flowers
Gardenia augusta (syn. jasminoides) ‘Belmont’
A beautifully scented flowering houseplant with pure white double flowers ageing to deep yellow
Gardenia augusta (syn. jasminoides) ‘Veitchii’
A beautifully scented flowering houseplant with pure white double flowers
Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa
An attractive succulent with angled lance shaped green leaves with thick white warty spots and pretty stems of reddish orange flowers
Geogenanthus undatus
An attractive houseplant with unusual puckered foliage and a silvery stripe. Tiny mauve frilly flowers