Achillea ‘Lachsschönheit’ SALMON BEAUTY
Clump-forming with dark green leaves, many stems of light salmon-pink flowers fading to pinky white.
Achillea ‘Moonshine’
Evergreen, clump-forming, with grey-green leaves Flowerheads are flat light yellow.
Achillea ‘Taygetea’
A clump-forming evergreen perennial with greyish green leaves. Bears flat pale, creamy yellow flowerheads.
Achillea ‘Terracotta’
Gorgeous salmon pink flowers that age to a rusty terracotta.
Achillea ageratifolia
A clump forming perennial with evergreen silvery grey leaves. Flat yellow flowerheads.
Achillea ageratum
A spreading perennial with grey-white leaves. Yellowish white loose flowerheads produced in summer.
Achillea ageratum ‘W B Childs’
A spreading perennial with green leaves White daisy-like flowerheads produced in summer.
Achillea clavennae
A perennial with grey-green ferny leaves. Clusters of white flowerheads produced in summer.
Achillea filipendulina ‘Cloth of Gold’
A perennial with light green aromatic ferny leaves. Clusters of golden yellow flowerheads produced in summer.
Achillea filipendulina ‘Gold Plate’
A perennial with light green ferny aromatic leaves. Flat golden yellow flowerheads produced in summer.
Achillea grandifolia
A perennial with grey-green leaves. Stout stems with white flowerheads.
Achillea millefolium
A perennial with green leaves. Flat flowerheads of red, pink or yellow.