Showing 2785–2796 of 3191 results

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Ranunculus montanus ‘Molten Gold’

A mat-forming perennial with glossy dark green basal leaves. Stems of cup-shaped, shining bright yellow flowers in early summer.

Rehmannia elata

A rosette-forming perennial with conspicuously veined mid-green leaves. Pretty semi-pendent pinkish purple flowers, spotted inside.

Reineckea carnea

An evergreen perennial with arching green leaves and fragrant deep pink flowers in late spring, rarely followed by red berries.

Rheum ‘Ace of Hearts’

A perennial with attractive heart-shaped very dark green leaves with red veins, purple-red beneath. Very pale pink flowers.

Rheum australe

A bold perennial with dark green rounded leaves, hairy beneath. Clusters of white to wine-red flowers on an erect stem in summer.

Rheum palmatum

A bold perennial with dark green leaves, purple-red beneath. Creamy green to deep red flowers.

Rheum palmatum ‘Atrosanguineum’

A bold perennial with dark green leaves, vivid crimson when young, purple-red beneath. Rich cerise-pink flowers.

Rheum palmatum var. tanguticum

A bold perennial with jagged dark green leaves, reddish green when young. Tall stems of white, pink or crimson flowers.

Rheum x hybridum ‘Timperley Early’

A good flavoured early rhubarb, suitable for forcing.

Rhodanthemum catananche

A silver-grey leaved perennial with daisy-like cream flowers with a maroon stripe and a small yellow centre.

Rhodanthemum gayanum

A semi-erect subshrub with grey-green leaves and daisy-like rose-pink or white flowers with a small brown centre.

Rhodanthemum hosmariense

A spreading subshrub with divided silver leaves and daisy-like white flowers with a yellow centre.