Showing 2953–2964 of 3191 results

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Solidaster luteus

A clump-forming perennial with bright green leaves. Clusters of daisy-like pale yellow flowers with a golden yellow centre from mid-summer to early autumn.

Solidaster luteus ‘Lemore’

A clump-forming perennial with bright green leaves. Clusters of daisy-like pale lemon-yellow flowers with a golden yellow centre from mid-summer to early autumn.

Sphaeralcea fendleri

A subshrubby perennial with mid-green leaves. Saucer-shaped reddish orange to pinkish violet flowers from early summer to mid-autumn.

Sphaeralcea munroana

A grey-hairy perennial with mid-green leaves. Saucer-shaped reddish orange flowers from early summer to mid-autumn.

Stachys byzantina

A mat-forming perennial with grey-green leaves, densely white-woolly. Erect woolly stems of purple-pink flowers.

Stachys byzantina ‘Cotton Boll’

A mat-forming perennial with grey-green leaves, densely white-woolly. Erect woolly stems of purple-pink flowers, forming clusters like cotton-wool balls along the stem.

Stachys byzantina ‘Primrose Heron’

A mat-forming perennial with yellowish grey leaves, densely woolly. Erect woolly stems of purple-pink flowers.

Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’

A mat-forming perennial with silvery grey leaves, densely white-woolly. Non-flowering.

Stachys coccinea

A softly hairy, perennial with veined, wrinkled mid-green leaves. Upright stems of scarlet flowers from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

Stachys macrantha

A clump-forming perennial with veined, wrinkled dark green leaves. Dense, erect spikes of hooded purplish pink flowers from early summer to early autumn.

Stachys macrantha ‘Nivea’

A clump-forming perennial of lax habit with veined, wrinkled dark green leaves. Dense, erect spikes of cream flowers from late spring to mid-summer.

Stachys macrantha ‘Robusta’

A clump-forming perennial with veined, wrinkled dark green leaves. Dense, erect spikes of hooded rosy mauve flowers from early summer to early autumn.