Showing 3085–3096 of 3191 results

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Tulipa kaufmanniana

Beautiful bowl-shaped yellow flowers flushed pink

Tulipa linifolia Batalinii Group ‘Bronze Charm’

Beautiful bowl shaped bronzey-orange flowers with darker basal markings

Tulipa marjolletii

Beautiful bowl shaped creamy white flowers, margined and flushed purplish-pink

Tulipa orphanidea Whittallii Group

Beautiful star-shaped bronze orange flowers tinged green

Tulipa praestans ‘Unicum’ (v)

Beautiful bowl-shaped bright red flowers with yellow bases. Attractively variegated leaves.

Tulipa saxatilis

Beautiful star shaped purplish-pink flowers with yellow bases

Tulipa saxatilis ‘Lilac Wonder’

Beautiful star-shaped lilac flowers with lemon yellow basal markings

Tulipa sylvestris

Beautiful star-shaped yellow flowers flushed green at the base

Tussilago farfara

An upright British native with basal rosettes of heart-shaped green leaves, white-woolly beneath. Yellow flowers in late winter and spring.

Umbilicus rupestris

A small perennial with fleshy round leaves with a dimple in the centre. Spikes of tubular greenish white flowers in summer.

Uncinia rubra

An evergreen perennial with pretty greenish red to rich reddish brown leaves. Narrow spikes of brown to black flowers from mid to late summer.

Uncinia uncinata

A dense evergreen perennial with pretty pale brown to red-brown leaves. Dark brown flowers from mid to late summer.