Rhododendron williamsianum album
A pretty shrub with beautiful bell shaped white flowers. Attractive heart shaped leaves bronze when young.
Rhododendron wiltonii
A handsome shrub with beautiful trusses of bell-shaped pale pink flowers with red markings.
Rhododendron x myrtifolium
A pretty shrub with beautiful trusses of tubular rose-pink flowers.
Rhododendron yakushimanum
A tight dome-shaped, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, reddish brown beneath. Clusters of bell-shaped, apple-blossom flowers opening from rose-pink buds in spring.
Rhododendron yunnanense
A vigorous evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub with bright green leaves. Clusters of broadly funnel-shaped, pink, pale rose-pink, lavender-pink or white flowers in spring.