Buddleja davidii ‘Royal Red’
Fast-growing shrub with arching stems of green leaves Panicles of dark purple-red flowers.
Buddleja davidii ‘White Bouquet’
Fast-growing shrub with arching stems of green leaves Panicles white flowers with yellow eyes.
Buddleja davidii ‘White Harlequin’
Fast-growing shrub with arching stems of creamy white margined, green leaves Panicles of white flowers.
Buddleja davidii ‘White Profusion’
Fast-growing shrub with arching stems of green leaves Panicles white flowers with yellow eyes.
Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis alba
Fast-growing shrub with arching stems of slender green leaves. Narrow panicles of white flowers.
Buddleja fallowiana var. alba
Fast-growing shrub with arching stems of grey-white leaves, green beneath and densely white-felted, when young. Panicles of very fragrant white flowers.
Buddleja globosa
Rounded shrub with stems of handsome veined dark green leaves Rounded ball-like, fragrant, dark orange and yellow flowers.
Buddleja lindleyana
Upright shrub with square stems of arching dark green leaves. Curved racemes of dark violet flowers.
Buddleja salviifolia
Arching shrub with sage-like, grey-green leaves. Fragrant pale lilac-blue flowers.
Buddleja x weyeriana
Spreading shrub with arching stems of mid-green leaves Rounded clusters fragrant, yellow to violet flowers.
Buddleja x weyeriana ‘Golden Glow’
Spreading shrub with arching stems of mid-green leaves Rounded loose clusters of fragrant, mauve flushed, orange-yellow flowers.
Buddleja x weyeriana ‘Sungold’
Spreading shrub with arching stems of mid-green leaves Rounded dense clusters of fragrant, dark orange-yellow flowers.