Skimmia laureola
A small dense evergreen shrub with aromatic dark green leaves. Fragrant greenish yellow flowers in spring.
Skimmia x confusa ‘Kew Green’
A male evergreen shrub with shiny mid-green leaves. Fragrant creamy white flowers in spring.
Solanum laciniatum
An evergreen shrub with mid-green leaves. Clusters of dark blue flowers from summer to autumn, followed by bright orange fruits.
Solanum rantonnetii
A lax evergreen shrub with wavy margined green leaves. Clusters of dark or pale blue to violet-blue flowers from summer to autumn, followed by red fruits.
Sorbaria kirilowii
An attractive large shrub with pinnate leaves and lovely conical panicles of soft white flowers
Sorbaria sorbifolia
An upright thicket-forming shrub pretty dark green leaves. Conical clusters of white flowers from mid to late summer.
Sorbaria tomentosa
An attractive large shrub with pinnate leaves and lovely conical panicles of soft white flowers
Sorbaria tomentosa var. angustifolia
A spreading shrub with red stems and pretty dark green leaves. Conical clusters of creamy white flowers from mid to late summer.
Sorbus megalocarpa
An attractive large shrub with dark green leaves which are red when young and again in the autumn
Sorbus reducta
A thicket-forming shrub with glossy dark green leaves, turning red and purple in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in late spring are followed by crimson then white berries.
Sparrmannia africana
An upright tree or large shrub with light green leaves. Clusters of cup-shaped white flowers in late spring and early summer.
Spartium junceum
An upright shrub with slender dark green stems and leaves. Many fragrant, golden yellow from early summer to early autumn followed by flattened dark seed pods.