Azara microphylla ‘Variegata’
Upright evergreen shrub or small tree with toothed, leaves variegated with creamy white. Clusters of vanilla-scented greenish yellow flowers.
Azara serrata
Rounded evergreen shrub or small tree with toothed, glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of fragrant dark yellow flowers.
Berberis ‘Goldilocks’
Rich glossy green toothed leaves. Very free flowering
Berberis ‘Red Lady’
Clusters of straw yellow flowers on a deciduous bush with produces bright red fruit in autumn
Berberis ‘Rubrostilla’
Very free flowering variety followed by masses of fruits.
Berberis aggregata
Masses of pale yellow flowers followed by red fruits. Good red autumn colour.
Berberis buxifolia
Masses of orange-yellow flowers are followed by a good display of fruit
Berberis buxifolia ‘Pygmaea’
Compact evergreen shrub with leathery, dark green leaves Flowers dark orange-yellow rarely produced.
Berberis candidula
Dense evergreen shrub with leathery, spine-tipped, glossy, dark green leaves Flowers bright yellow followed by white-glaucous , purple fruit.
Berberis darwinii
Upright evergreen shrub with glossy, spine-tipped, dark green leaves Pendent racemes of dark orange flowers followed by blue-glaucous, black fruit.
Berberis dictyophylla
Upright shrub with red stems, spine-tipped leaves green above, white beneath. Pale yellow flowers followed by red fruit.
Berberis gagnepainii var. lanceifolia
Dense evergreen shrub, leaves green, spine-tipped and wavy at the edges. Clusters of golden yellow flowers are followed by blue-black fruit.