Showing 1153–1164 of 2168 results

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Genista pilosa ‘Vancouver Gold’

A spreading dwarf shrub with slender ascending stems with cascades of golden yellow flowers, in late spring and early summer.

Genista sagittalis

A spreading shrub with winged green stems with spike-like racemes of deep yellow flowers in early summer.

Genista tinctoria

An upright spreading shrub with deep green leaves. Upright racemes of golden yellow flowers in spring and early summer.

Genista tinctoria ‘Flore Pleno’

A spreading dwarf shrub with deep green leaves. Upright racemes of double yellow flowers in spring and early summer.

Genista tinctoria ‘Royal Gold’

An upright shrub with deep green leaves. Spikes of golden yellow flowers in spring and early summer.

Geranium robustum

A woody sub-shrub with ferny, silvery grey-green leaves. Large pink or pale purple flowers covering the bush.

Globularia meridionalis

An evergreen dome-shaped, subshrub with glossy dark green leaves and rounded lavender-purple flowers just above the foliage.

Grevillea ‘Canberra Gem’

A vigorous bushy shrub with narrow rich green leaves each with a hard point and dense clusters of pinkish red flowers.

Grevillea juniperina f. sulphurea

A shrub with arching stems and narrow grey-green leaves with dense clusters of yellow flowers.

Grevillea rosmarinifolia

A vigorous bushy shrub with narrow rich green leaves and dense clusters of spidery pink to light red or cream flowers.

Grindelia chiloensis

A bushy subshrub with greyish green leaves and pretty daisy-like bright yellow flowerheads.

Griselinia littoralis

A dense upright, evergreen shrub with glossy, leathery light green leaves. Very good in coastal areas.