Acer saccharinum
A spreading tree often with pendent branches, leaves dark green, silvery beneath, turning yellow to orange in autumn Yellow flowers.
Acer saccharinum ‘Laciniatum Wieri’
A beautiful tree with emerald green deeply cut leaves silvery beneath. The branches are pendulous.
Acer saccharinum f. laciniatum
A beautiful tree with green deeply cut leaves silvery beneath. The branches are pendulous.
Acer saccharinum f. pyramidale
A broadly upright tree with deeply cut leaves, silver beneath.
Acer saccharum
A beautiful tree. Excellent autumn colours, reds, oranges and yellows.
Acer shirasawanum ‘Aureum’
A rounded tree with lobed yellow leaves which turn red in autumn. Tiny purple-red flowers.
Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala
A small rounded tree of arching habit with green leaves turning orange and red in autumn.
Aesculus californica
A very handsome tree which produces large cylindrical panicles of flowers.
Aesculus flava
A deciduous tree with glossy dark green leaves. Bears yellow flowers followed by smooth skinned fruit.
Aesculus glabra
A very handsome tree which produces large conical panicles of flowers.
Aesculus hippocastanum
A deciduous tree with mid-green leaves. Bears white flowers with yellow marks followed by spinney horse chestnut fruit.
Aesculus hippocastanum ‘Baumannii’
A deciduous tree with mid-green leaves. Bears double white flowers with yellow marks.