Fraxinus ornus
A spreading deciduous tree with, dark green leaves turning purple-red in autumn. Plumes of fragrant creamy white flowers in late spring, early summer.
Fraxinus sieboldiana
A majestic tree with dark green leaves and small fragrant creamy-white flowers
Gleditsia triacanthos
A spreading spiny tree with handsome fern-like glossy dark green foliage, turning yellow in autumn. Inconspicuous small greenish white flowers produce long twisted seed pods.
Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Rubylace’
A spreading spiny tree with handsome fern-like glossy bronze-red leaves in spring, later bronze-green. Inconspicuous small greenish white flowers produce long twisted seed pods.
Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’
A tree with handsome fern-like golden yellow leaves in spring, maturing to pale green. Yellowing in autumn.
Gymnocladus dioica
A slow-growing deciduous tree soft hairy, dark green leaves. Pink tinged when young, yellow in autumn. Large panicles of greenish white flowers followed by long seed pods.
Hoheria ‘Glory of Amlwch’
A pretty shrub with glossy, bright green leaves with clusters of fragrant white flowers from mid to late summer.
Hoheria lyallii
A pretty shrub with deeply toothed grey-green leaves and clusters of fragrant white flowers with purple anthers in mid-summer.
Hoheria sexstylosa
A pretty evergreen shrub with glossy, toothed green leaves and clusters of fragrant, starry white flowers with from mid to late summer.
Juglans nigra
A vigorous spreading tree with glossy dark green leaves, greenish yellow flowers followed by edible nuts contained within a round fruit.
Juglans regia
A spreading tree with aromatic, glossy dark green leaves, bronze-purple when young, greenish yellow flowers followed by edible nuts contained within a round fruit.
Juglans regia ‘Broadview’
A spreading tree with aromatic, glossy dark green leaves, bronze-purple when young, greenish yellow flowers followed by early, good quality edible nuts.