Prunus domestica Green Gage Group (C D)
Excellent dessert or culinary plums with a very sweet flavour
Prunus dulcis
A lovely tree with delicate pink blossom followed by velvety green fruits containing a nut
Prunus institia ‘Farleigh Damson’ (C)
An excellent damson with a rich intense flavour
Prunus institia ‘Merryweather Damson’
A culinary damson with a heavy crop of large blue-black fruits ripening in early September. Self-fertile.
Prunus institia ‘Prune Damson’
A culinary damson with a heavy crop of medium-sized, blue-black fruits ripening in September and October. Self-fertile.
Prunus maackii
A lovely tree with attractive yellowish-brown flaking bark and good autumn colour
Prunus mume ‘Omoi-no-mama’
A beautiful tree with semi-double white flowers
Prunus padus
A spreading tree with dark green leaves that turn red or yellow in autumn. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers in late spring followed by glossy blue-black fruit.
Prunus padus ‘Colorata’
A spreading tree with dark green leaves reddish purple when young. Pretty open racemes of pink flowers in late spring followed by glossy blue-black fruit.
Prunus padus ‘Watereri’
A spreading tree with dark green leaves that turn red or yellow in autumn. Pretty white flowers on slender racemes in late spring followed by glossy blue-black fruit.
Prunus pendula ‘Pendula Rosea’
A beautiful tree with rose-pink flowers intermittently from autumn until late winter. Yellow autumn colour to the leaves
Prunus pendula ‘Pendula Rubra’
A beautiful tree with dark pink flowers intermittently from autumn until late winter. Yellow autumn colour to the leaves