Campanula pyramidalis
Short-lived, perennial best grown as a biennial with rosettes of light-green leaves. Tall leafy stems of pyramidal, cup-shaped, fragrant, light blue or white flowers.
Campanula raddeana
spreading, perennial with tufts of dark-green, glossy leaves. Flower stems carry masses of pendent, deep violet-blue bells. Divide regular.
Campanula raineri
spreading, perennial with toothed, hairy, grey-green, leaves. Upturned, open bell-shaped, pale lavender flowers.
Campanula rapunculoides
Creeping perennial with tall, slender one-sided stems covered with masses of violet bells. Invasive habit.
Campanula rotundifolia
A much loved British native forming rosettes of toothed, round, green leaves. Thimble-shaped, blue to lavender-blue, nodding flowers.
Campanula rotundifolia ‘Olympica’
A much loved British native forming rosettes of toothed, round, green leaves. A profusion of large, deep blue bell-shaped flowers.
Campanula sarmatica
Low clumps of downy grey, rather crinkled leaves. flower stems carry one-sided racemes of pendant grey-blue bells.
Campanula takesimana
spreading, perennial with attractive heart-shaped, glossy leaves and arching branched sprays of bell-shaped, pink-flushed, white flowers with maroon spots inside.
Campanula thyrsoides
Bristly, rosettes of greyish leaves. Uniquely attractive dense clusters of yellowish white, fragrant flowers on tall spikes.
Campanula trachelium
Upright, perennial with sharply toothed, nettle-like leaves. Tall stems of tubular, mid-blue to lilac or white flowers.
Campanula trachelium ‘Alba Flore Pleno’
Upright, perennial with sharply toothed, nettle-like leaves. Tall stems of tubular, semi-double white flowers.
Campanula trachelium ‘Bernice’
Upright, perennial with sharply toothed, nettle-like leaves. Tall stems of pretty, tubular, double, lilac-blue flowers.