Cardamine trifolia
Creeping perennial with trifoliate, dark-green leaves, red-tinted beneath. Clusters of small white flowers on short stems. Needs a cool site.
Cardiocrinum giganteum
A choice bulbous perennial with rosettes of large glossy, dark green leaves. The flower stem bears up to twenty trumpet-shaped, strongly scented, white flowers with maroon stripes inside. The bulb takes several years to flower, then dies leaving offsets.
Carex ‘Frosted Curls’
Densely tufted evergreen grass with arching narrow, pale silvery green leaves curling at the tips. Inconspicuous green flower spikes.
Carex ‘Frosted Curls’ – 2 Ltr
Densely tufted evergreen grass with arching narrow, pale silvery green leaves curling at the tips. Inconspicuous green flower spikes.
Carex ‘Frosted Curls’ – 3 Ltr
Densely tufted evergreen grass with arching narrow, pale silvery green leaves curling at the tips. Inconspicuous green flower spikes.
Carex albida
Densely tufted evergreen grass with arching narrow, pale green almost white leaves curling at the tips. Inconspicuous green flower spikes. Becomes a ghostly white in winter.
Carex atrata
Dense clumps of stiff blue-green leaves. Purple-black flower spikes.
Carex berggrenii
Mat-forming with dense tufts of reddish brown leaves. Red-brown flower spikes borne just above the leaves.
Carex brunnea ‘Jenneke’
Attractive architecturally shaped green foliage with a bold cream stripe contrasts well with other plants
Carex brunnea ‘Variegata’
Attractive architecturally shaped green foliage with a bold cream stripe contrasts well with other plants
Carex buchananii
Upright clumps of narrow pinkish brown leaves which curl at their tips. Has orange tints in winter. Brown flower spikes.
Carex buchananii ‘Viridis’
Attractive architecturally shaped yellowish green foliage contrasting well with other plants