Clematis ‘Walter Pennell’
An early large flowered climber with light green leaves, and pretty double deep pink flowers.
Clematis ‘Warszawska Nike’
A large flowered climber with single, velvet purple flowers with yellow anthers.
Clematis ‘White Swan’
A climber with open, bell-shaped, creamy white flowers with cream stamens.
Clematis ‘Will Goodwin’
A large flowered climber with single, soft blue flowers, with yellow anthers.
Clematis ‘William Kennett’
A large flowered climber with single, rich blue flowers.
Clematis aethusifolia
A slender stemmed climber with deeply divided leaves. Nodding, bell-shaped pale primrose-yellow scented flowers.
Clematis afoliata
An unusual variety with pretty small greenish-white fragrant flowers.
Clematis akebioides
Pretty yellow bell-shaped flowers with purple on the outside borne on very long stalks
Clematis alpina
A climber with light green leaves and bell-shaped, blue flowers, with white centres, followed by fluffy seed heads.
Clematis alpina ‘Burford White’
An excellent free flowering variety. Very effective when grown through a large shrub.
Clematis alpina ‘Columbine’
A climber with light green leaves and bell-shaped, pale blue flowers, with white centres.
Clematis alpina ‘Constance’
A climber with light green leaves and semi-double, bright deep purplish pink flowers.