Crocus kotschyanus ssp. kotschyanus
Pretty lilac pink flowers with delicately veined petals and creamy anthers. Needs a dry dormancy period. Prolific.
Crocus laevigatus ‘Fontenayi’
Beautiful fragrant lilac flowers prettily striped and feathered purple on the outside
Crocus medius
Stunning vivid purple flowers give a very effective autumn display
Crocus minimus
Cheery deep lilac flowers veined and feathered purple give a stunning early season display when planted in drifts
Crocus nudiflorus
An excellent variety for naturalizing this crocus has rich purple flowers
Crocus ochroleucus
A good variety for naturalizing this crocus has pretty creamy white flowers with a conspicuous yellow throat
Crocus sativus
An autumn flowering bulb with open, rich lilac flowers with purple veins, narrow, dull green leaves are produced with or slightly after flowering. Saffron is obtained from the deep red style.
Crocus serotinus ssp. clusii
Pretty lilac flowers with darker markings and a yellow throat.
Crocus sieberi ‘Violet Queen’
Cheery deep violet-purple flowers with pointed tips give a stunning early season display when planted in drifts
Crocus sieberi ssp. sublimis ‘Tricolor’
A very pretty crocus with distinct bands of yellow, lilac and white
Crocus speciosus
An autumn flowering bulb with long tubed violet-blue flowers with deeper blue veins, narrow, green leaves are produced after flowering.
Crocus speciosus ‘Aitchisonii’
A prolific growing crocus with large pale lilac flowers, ideal for naturalizing