Dicentra spectabilis
A clump-forming perennial with lobed, pale green leaves. Arching fleshy stems produce racemes of pink and white heart-shaped flowers.
Dicentra spectabilis ‘Alba’
A clump-forming perennial with lobed, pale green leaves. Arching fleshy stems produce racemes pure white, heart-shaped flowers.
Dichelostemma ida-maia
A spectacular flowering bulb producing pretty heads of tuberous crimson flowers with yellow tips
Dicksonia antarctica
A tree-like evergreen fern with delicate fronds, pale green at first darkening with age.
Dicksonia antarctica
A beautiful tree fern with finely divided leathery fronds (leaves)
Dicksonia squarrosa
A beautiful tree fern with finely divided leathery fronds (leaves)
Dictamnus albus
A perennial with aromatic, lemon-scented leaves. Pretty white or pinkish white flowers with long projecting stamens, on tall spikes.
Dictamnus albus var. purpureus
A perennial with aromatic, lemon-scented leaves. Pretty purple-mauve flowers with long projecting stamens, on tall spikes.
Didymochlaena truncatula
A beautiful tree fern with finely divided brownish-green leathery fronds (leaves)
Dieffenbachia bausei
A very handsome foliage plant with large paddle shaped green and yellow leaves
Dieffenbachia bowmannii
A very handsome foliage plant with very large paddle shaped green and yellow leaves
Dieffenbachia oeristedii
A very handsome foliage plant with large paddle shaped green leaves with a prominent white mid-rib