Aesculus californica
A very handsome tree which produces large cylindrical panicles of flowers.
Aesculus flava
A deciduous tree with glossy dark green leaves. Bears yellow flowers followed by smooth skinned fruit.
Aesculus glabra
A very handsome tree which produces large conical panicles of flowers.
Aesculus hippocastanum
A deciduous tree with mid-green leaves. Bears white flowers with yellow marks followed by spinney horse chestnut fruit.
Aesculus hippocastanum ‘Baumannii’
A deciduous tree with mid-green leaves. Bears double white flowers with yellow marks.
Aesculus indica
A deciduous tree with mid-green leaves. Bears white flushed pink flowers, with central red and yellow marks.
Aesculus indica ‘Sydney Pearce’
A very handsome tree which produces large cylindrical panicles of flowers. Very free flowering.
Aesculus parviflora
A deciduous shrub with mid-green leaves. Bears attractive white flowers, with red anthers.
Aesculus pavia
A very handsome small tree which produces large conical panicles of flowers.
Aesculus pavia ‘Atrosanguinea’
A very handsome small tree which produces large conical panicles of dark red flowers.
Aesculus turbinata
A very handsome tree which produces large cylindrical panicles of flowers.
Aesculus x carnea
A very handsome tree which produces large conical panicles of flowers.