Echium pininana
A rosette-forming bi-annual or short-lived perennial with silver-hairy leaves. Each rosette produces a panicle of funnel-shaped blue flowers with large bracts.
Echium vulgare
A native, bristly bi-annual with green, white hairy leaves. Dense spikes of open bell-shaped, purple in bud, violet-blue in flowers.
Edraianthus graminifolius
A small tufted alpine with rosettes of mid-green leaves bears upturned bell-shaped, deep purple flowers.
Edraianthus pumilio
A cushion of narrow grass-like, silvery green leaves bears almost stemless upturned bell-shaped, pale to deep violet flowers.
Elaeagnus angustifolia
A vigorous, large spiny shrub or small tree with silvery grey narrow leaves. Fragrant yellow flowers in summer.
Elaeagnus angustifolia ‘Quicksilver’
A vigorous, suckering shrub with silver stems and leaves, yellow flowers in summer produced from silver buds.
Elaeagnus commutata
Thicket-forming shrub spreading by suckers with upright red-brown stems. Silvery leaves and yellowish white flowers followed by silvery red fruit.
Elaeagnus macrophylla
A handsome shrub with attractive silvery young growth turning a glossy dark green. Small bell shaped cream flowers
Elaeagnus pungens ‘Dicksonii’ (v)
A handsome shrub with attractive broad, yellow margins to the dark green leaves Small bell shaped silvery-white flowers.
Elaeagnus pungens ‘Frederici’
A dense evergreen shrub. Small narrow leaves creamy yellow with glossy, dark green margins, silvery white flowers followed by brown ripening to red fruit.
Elaeagnus pungens ‘Goldrim’ (v)
A handsome shrub with attractive narrow bright yellow margins to the dark green leaves Small bell shaped silvery-white flowers.
Elaeagnus pungens ‘Maculata’ 20 Ltr
A dense evergreen shrub with dark green leaves boldly marked dark yellow in the centres, silvery white flowers followed by brown ripening to red fruit.