Elymus magellanicus
A densely tufted, perennial grass with narrow, blue leaves. Flower spikes borne throughout summer.
Embothrium coccineum
An upright tree with narrow mid to deep green leaves. Attractive clusters of scarlet flowers.
Embothrium coccineum Lanceolatum ‘norquinco’
An upright tree with narrow mid to deep green leaves. Attractive clusters of scarlet flowers.
Enkianthus campanulatus
An attractive tree-like shrub with dull green toothed leaves, turning orange-yellow to red in autumn. Clusters of delicate, pendent bell-shaped creamy yellow flowers, veined red-pink.
Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens
An attractive shrub with clusters of bright green leaves, turning dark purple-red in autumn. Clusters of delicate, pendent bell-shaped red flowers.
Enkianthus chinensis
An attractive shrub with toothed bright green leaves, turning orange and red in autumn. Clusters of delicate, pendent bell-shaped creamy yellow flowers with pink veins.
Eomecon chionantha
A spreading perennial with pretty heart-shaped grey-green leaves. Loose panicles of poppy-like white flowers.
Epilobium angustifolium album
A strongly spreading perennial with narrow, pale green leaves and tall spikes of white flowers. Self-seeds.
Epilobium dodonaei
A spreading perennial with narrow, bristly, mid-green leaves and spikes of pinkish purple flowers.
Epilobium glabellum
A spreading perennial with bronzed deep green leaves and pink or creamy white flowers on branched stems. Prefers a cool position.
Epimedium alpinum
Delicate little cup-shaped red flowers with yellow sepals. Good autumn colour to the foliage
Epimedium davidii
Very pretty delicate cup-shaped flowers with curved spurs. The bright green foliage is an attractive coppery colour when young