Eriobotrya japonica
A vigorous spreading tree with bold pointed dark green glossy leaves. Large panicles of fragrant white flowers, followed by pear-shaped edible, orange-yellow fruit.
Eriophorum angustifolium
A marginal aquatic with narrow grassy leaves, tufted downy spikelets produced in summer.
Eriophyllum lanatum
A perennial with erect or trailing stems and silvery grey, white-woolly leaves. Long flowering with attractive bright yellow flowers.
Erodium ‘Merstham Pink’
A pretty clump-forming alpine with green ferny foliage. Saucer-shaped soft pink flowers throughout summer.
Erodium chrysanthum
A pretty mound of silvery grey filigree foliage setting off the pale yellow, cup-shaped flowers.
Erodium corsicum
A pretty mat-forming alpine of downy grey-green foliage. Umbels of saucer-shaped rose-pink flowers with darker veins.
Erodium glandulosum
A pretty compact tufted alpine with silvery green foliage. Umbels of saucer-shaped lilac-pink flowers, the two uppermost petals marked with a deep purple spot.
Erodium guttatum
A pretty alpine with tufts of green foliage. Sprays of white flowers, with the upper two petals having a dark spot at the base.
Erodium manescaui
A clump-forming perennial with green foliage. Long stalked umbels of saucer-shaped magenta-purple flowers, the two uppermost petals marked with a deep purple spot. Self-seeds.
Erodium pelargoniiflorum
A clump-forming perennial with downy foliage and pretty white flowers with violet veins.
Erodium reichardii
A pretty mound-forming alpine with saucer-shaped white, red veined flowers on very short stems.
Erodium x kolbianum ‘Natasha’
A pretty mat-forming alpine with silver veined foliage. Pale pink flowers.