Erysimum ‘Jacob’s Jacket’
A bushy perennial with dark green narrow leaves. Clusters of pretty bronze-tinted flowers, becoming orange and lilac, all at the same time.
Erysimum ‘John Codrington’
A bushy perennial with green narrow leaves. Clusters of pretty pale yellow flowers, shaded brown and purple.
Erysimum ‘Moonlight’
A mat-forming perennial with green narrow leaves. Clusters of pale sulphur-yellow flowers.
Erysimum ‘Orange Flame’
A mat-forming perennial with green narrow leaves. Clusters of rich orange flowers.
Erysimum ‘Rufus’
A bushy perennial with grey green narrow leaves. Clusters of rich orange-brown flowers.
Erysimum ‘Sprite’
A mat-forming perennial with green narrow leaves. Clusters of pale yellow flowers.
Erysimum ‘Wenlock Beauty’
A bushy perennial with narrow green leaves. Clusters of pretty bronze shaded, mauve and buff-yellow flowers.
Erysimum Bowles Mauve
A bushy perennial with grey green narrow leaves. Clusters of rich mauve flowers.
Erysimum cheiri ‘Harpur Crewe’
A bushy perennial with grey-green narrow leaves. Clusters of double, richly scented, yellow flowers.
Erysimum linifolium ‘Variegatum’
A bushy woody based, perennial with narrow green leaves, variegated white. Small clusters mauve flowers.
Erysimum mutabile
A bushy perennial with dark green narrow leaves. Clusters of muted shades copper and violet flowers.
Erythrina crista-galli
An open tree in warm climates, a woody based perennial in cool climates. Branches bear stout spines, leaves green on spiny stems. Long racemes of deep red pea-like flowers.