Erythronium ‘Citronella’
A charming spring flowering bulb with glossy mottled mid-green leaves. Nodding heads of clear yellow flowers, with dark yellow anthers.
Erythronium ‘Kondo’
A charming spring flowering bulb with bright green leaves. Nodding heads of yellow flowers.
Erythronium ‘Pagoda’
A charming spring flowering bulb with dark green leaves, mottled brown at the margins. Nodding heads of sulphur-yellow flowers.
Erythronium americanum
A charming spring flowering bulb with glossy, mid-green leaves with purple-brown marbling. Nodding heads of sulphur-yellow flowers, with dark yellow anthers.
Erythronium californicum ‘White Beauty’
A charming spring flowering bulb with dark green leaves, mottled brownish green. Nodding heads of creamy white flowers, with a red basal ring in each flower.
Erythronium dens-canis
A charming spring flowering bulb with mid-green leaves, marbled purplish brown. Nodding heads of white, pink or lilac flowers.
Erythronium dens-canis ‘Rose Queen’
A charming spring flowering bulb with mid-green leaves, heavily marbled purplish brown. Nodding heads of rose-pink flowers.
Erythronium dens-canis ‘Snowflake’
A charming spring flowering bulb with mid-green leaves, marbled purplish brown. Nodding heads of pure white flowers attractively marked at the base within.
Erythronium japonicum
A charming spring flowering bulb with mid-green leaves, lightly marbled purplish brown. Nodding heads of pale to rich violet flowers with darker centres.
Erythronium tuolumnense
A charming spring flowering bulb with pale green leaves. Nodding heads of green veined, bright yellow flowers.
Escallonia ‘Apple Blossom’
A bushy evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty apple-blossom-pink flowers with white centres.
Escallonia ‘C F Ball’
An erect evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty tubular, bright rich red flowers.