Escallonia rubra var. macrantha 15 Ltr
An evergreen shrub with peeling brown bark and glossy, dark green leaves. Pretty, tubular, bright rose-red flowers in abundance.
Espostoa lanata
A very beautiful cactus with white silky hairs and cup shaped white to purple flowers
Espostoa melanostele
A very beautiful cactus with white silky hairs turning black and cup shaped white or yellow flowers
Eucalyptus citriodora
A distinctive 'tree' with lemon scented 'juvenile' foliage. Prune hard each year to maintain juvenile foliage and to keep to available space.
Eucalyptus coccifera
A tree with white or grey-white peeling bark, leaves round when young followed by peppermint-scented narrow grey-green, adult leaves. Umbels of creamy white flowers in summer.
Eucalyptus dalrympleana
A tree with smooth creamy white bark, leaves round when young followed by narrow bright green, adult leaves. Umbels of white flowers in late summer to autumn.
Eucalyptus gunnii
A tree with whitish green bark shed annually in late summer, leaves round when young followed by grey-green, adult leaves. Umbels of white to cream flowers.
Eucalyptus pauciflora
A tree with whitish grey bark shed annually in late summer, leaves grey-green when young followed by blue-green, adult leaves. Umbels of white to cream flowers.
Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. niphophila
A tree with whitish grey bark shed annually in late summer, leaves grey-green when young followed by blue-green, adult leaves. stems covered in a white. Umbels of white to cream flowers.
Eucalyptus perriniana
A tree with smooth flaking, off-white, grey, or green bark. Leaves bluish green when young followed by pendent, adult leaves Umbels of white to cream flowers.
Eucharis x grandiflora
A very beautiful bulbous plant with heads of up to six daffodil-like pure white flowers with a green centre
Eucomis autumnalis
An unusual flowering bulb producing pretty spike-like heads of star shaped flowers resembling a pineapple