Eucomis bicolor
A bulbous perennial with strap-shaped leaves. A striking plant when in flower , has stems of pale green flowers , purple margined topped with a rosette of leaves.
Eucomis bicolor
An unusual flowering bulb producing pretty spike-like heads of star shaped flowers resembling a pineapple
Eucomis comosa
A bulbous perennial with strap-shaped, spotted leaves. A striking plant when in flower with stems of white flowers, purple margined topped with a rosette of leaves.
Eucomis comosa
An unusual flowering bulb producing pretty spike-like heads of star shaped flowers resembling a pineapple
Eucryphia cordifolia x lucida
An upright shrub with leathery, wavy-edged dark green leaves. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers with conspicuous stamens.
Eucryphia glutinosa
An upright shrub with glossy dark green leaves that turn orange-red in autumn. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers with conspicuous stamens.
Eucryphia milliganii
A slender upright shrub with glossy dark green leaves. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers with conspicuous stamens.
Eucryphia x intermedia
An upright shrub with glossy dark green leaves glaucous underneath. On red stems, pretty cup-shaped white flowers with conspicuous stamens.
Eucryphia x intermedia ‘Rostrevor’
An upright shrub with glossy dark green leaves on red stems. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers with conspicuous stamens.
Eucryphia x nymansensis
An upright shrub with toothed dark green leaves. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers with conspicuous stamens.
Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’
An upright shrub with toothed dark green leaves. Pretty cup-shaped white flowers with conspicuous stamens.
Euonymus 5ltr fortunei Emerald n gold
An outstanding shrub, bright green leaves with a broad golden margin, tinted pink in winter.