Allium tuberosum
Aromatic perennial with green leaves. Dense umbels of bell-shaped white flowers. Grown for its edible, green mild garlic leaves.
Allium unifolium
A bulbous perennial, mid-green leaves. Umbels of open bell-shaped, purple-pink flowers.
Allium ursinum
A bulbous perennial, bright green leaves. Loose umbels of white flowers.
Alnus cordata
A conical tree with glossy dark green leaves. Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open before the leaves.
Alnus glutinosa
A conical tree with glossy dark green leaves. Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open before the leaves.
Alnus glutinosa ‘Imperialis’
A conical tree with deeply cut, lobed, mid-green leaves. Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open before the leaves.
Alnus incana
A conical tree with mid-green leaves grey-white and hairy beneath. Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open before the leaves.
Alnus incana ‘Aurea’
A narrowly conical tree with yellow leaves, pale green in summer. Orange stems and catkins in winter.A narrowly conical tree with yellow leaves, pale green in summer. Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open before the leaves on orange stems.
Alnus rubra
A conical tree with red-veined, glossy, dark green leaves Clusters of yellow catkins. .A narrowly conical tree with yellow leaves, pale green in summer. Pendent yellow-brown male catkins open before the leaves on orange stems.
Alocasia amazonica
A handsome foliage plant, with large green arrow shaped leaves and bold white veins, purple underneath.
Alocasia saneriana
A handsome foliage plant, with large green arrow shaped leaves and deeply lobed silver margins, purple underneath.
Aloe arborescens
An attractive tree-like succulent with long bright green toothed leaves