Plectranthus oertendablii
An excellent trailing plant with bronze green leaves and attractive paler veins. pretty pale blue flowers bourne in succession
Pleioblastus auricomus
An upright bamboo with purple-green canes and narrow brilliant yellow leaves with green stripes.
Pleioblastus humilis var. pumilus
An excellent ground cover plant forming low dense thickets. Very rampant
Pleioblastus linearis
A beautiful plant with lance shaped narrow leaves and long arching canes
Pleioblastus pygmaeus
An upright, woody bamboo with mid-green canes and narrow mid-green leaves.
Pleioblastus simonii f. variegatus
An attractive plant with lance shaped white and green variegated leaves and slender canes
Pleioblastus variegatus
An upright, woody bamboo with pale green canes and narrow dark green leaves with cream stripes.
Pleione formosana
A beautiful orchid with pale rose-lilac flowers with white lips and pretty red and yellow markings inside.
Plumbago auriculata
An evergreen shrub, grown as a climber with pretty sky-blue flowers.
Plumbago auriculata
A beautiful flowering plant with clusters of soft blue salverform flowers
Plumbago auriculata var. alba
An evergreen shrub, grown as a climber with pretty pure white flowers.
Plumbago auriculata var. alba
A beautiful flowering plant with clusters of pure white salverform flowers