Polygonatum hookeri
A perennial with narrow leaves and tubular pale to deep pink flowers followed by black fruit.
Polygonatum humile
A perennial with upright stems and pendent, tubular white flowers followed by blue-black fruit.
Polygonatum verticillatum
A perennial with erect stems of bright green leaves. Tubular greenish white flowers followed by red fruit.
Polygonatum x hybridum
A perennial with arching stems of bright green leaves. Tubular green tipped creamy white flowers followed by blue-black fruit.
Polygonatum x hybridum ‘Striatum’
A perennial with arching stems of bright green leaves, striped creamy white. Tubular green tipped creamy white flowers followed by blue-black fruit.
Polypodium interjectum ‘Cornubiense’
An attractive evergreen fern with deeply divided fronds.
Polypodium vulgare
An attractive evergreen fern with deep cut leathery fronds.
Polyscias balfouriana
An attractive foliage plant with large rounded leathery leaves speckled grey
Polyscias balfouriana ‘Marginata’
An attractive foliage plant with large rounded leathery leaves with white margins
Polyscias balfouriana ‘Pennockii’
An attractive foliage plant with large rounded leathery leaves with yellow veins
Polyscias fruiticosa
An attractive foliage plant with long feathery leaves and a twisted stem
Polyscias guilfoylei ‘Victoria’
An attractive foliage plant with dissected fern like leaves with a white margin