Polystichum tsussimense
A beautiful fern with dark green fronds forming a shuttle cock arrangement
Poncirus trifoliata
A rounded shrub with very sharp spines, green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Fragrant white flowers followed by inedible fruits.
Pontederia cordata
An aquatic perennial with glossy pointed leaves and spikes of blue flowers in late summer.
Populus ‘Balsam Spire’ (f)
A striking large, fast growing, tree with white backed leaves and pleasantly fragrant buds
Populus alba
A spreading tree with dark green leaves, white beneath, turning yellow in autumn. Good in coastal areas.
Populus alba ‘Raket’ ROCKET
A striking large, tree with white backed leaves which turn a lovely yellow in the autumn. Red or green catkins
Populus alba ‘Richardii’
A spreading tree with yellow leaves, white beneath, turning yellow in autumn. Good in coastal areas.
Populus balsamifera
A vigorous, columnar tree with green leaves, whitish green beneath. Pendent catkins in spring.
Populus lasiocarpa
A striking tree with large heart-shaped leaves yellow or green catkins
Populus nigra
A striking large tree with glossy dark green leaves which turn a lovely yellow in the autumn. Red or green catkins
Populus nigra ‘Lombardy Gold’ (m)
A striking large tree with beautiful golden-yellow foliage
Populus nigra ssp. betulifolia
A striking tree with glossy green leaves which turn yellow in the autumn. Characteristic downy shoots and young leaves