Primula denticulata
A perennial with rosettes of mid-green leaves. Stout stems of rounded, purple flowers in spring.
Primula denticulata ruby
A perennial with rosettes of mid-green leaves. Stout stems of rounded, purple-red flowers in spring.
Primula denticulata var. alba
A perennial with rosettes of mid-green leaves. Stout stems of rounded, pure white flowers in spring.
Primula elatior
A perennial with rosettes of soft green leaves. Stems of sulphur-yellow flowers in spring.
Primula farinosa
A perennial with neat rosettes of green leaves. Stems of lilac-pink flowers with a yellow eye in spring.
Primula flaccida
A short-lived perennial with rosettes of pale to mid-green leaves. Stems of lavender-blue flowers in early summer.
Primula florindae
A perennial with large rosettes of mid-green leaves. Stout stems of pendent sulphur-yellow flowers from mid-summer into autumn.
Primula florindae hybrids (26)
Mops of pretty bell shaped produced on tall stems. Excellent for the small garden. Withstands water logged conditions.
Primula florindae orange (26)
Mops of pretty bell shaped produced on tall stems. Excellent for the small garden. Withstands water logged conditions.
Primula florindae red (26)
Mops of pretty bell shaped produced on tall stems. Excellent for the small garden. Withstands water logged conditions.
Primula forrestii (3)
Beautiful golden-yellow salver form flowers.
Primula frondosa
An alpine with rosettes of mid-green leaves. Short stems of pinkish lilac to reddish purple flowers with a yellow eye in spring.