Selaginella lepidophylla
An curious houseplant which when dry, curls into a ball and is restored 'to life' by soaking in water
Selaginella martensii
A very pretty houseplant with fern like bright green foliage
Selaginella martensii ‘Watsoniana’
A very pretty houseplant with fern like bright green foliage with silver tips
Selaginella pallescens
A very pretty houseplant with yellowish green lacy foliage
Selaginella uncinata
A very pretty houseplant with fern like metallic blue foliage
Selinum wallichianum
A tall erect perennial with finely cut, bright green leaves. Tiny star-shaped, white flowers in clusters from mid-summer to early autumn.
Semiaquilegia ecalcarata
A short-lived perennial with pretty mid-green leaves. Pendent open bell-shaped pink to purple-red flowers in early summer.
Semiarundinaria fastuosa
A tall erect tree-like bamboo with mid-green canes striped purple-brown. Glossy mid-green leaves mainly on the upper part of the plant.
Sempervivum ‘Commander Hay’
A rosette-forming alpine with succulent rosettes of deep purple-red leaves. Produces greenish red flowers in summer.
Sempervivum ‘Jubilee’
A rosette-forming alpine with succulent rosettes of green and maroon leaves. Produces pinkish red flowers in summer.
Sempervivum arachnoideum
A rosette-forming alpine with succulent rosettes of mid-green to red leaves, cobwebbed with fine white hairs. Produces reddish pink flowers in summer.
Sempervivum arachnoideum
An attractive succulent with neat and compact foliage covered in white threads