Smyrnium olusatrum
An upright biennial with dark green leaves and clusters of greenish yellow flowers. Good in a coastal garden.
Solanum capsicastrum
A very colourful houseplant grown for its bright berries which follow small star shaped flowers
Solanum capsicastrum ‘Cherry Ripe’
A very colourful houseplant grown for its bright berries which follow small star shaped flowers
Solanum capsicastrum ‘Variegatum’
A very colourful houseplant grown for its cream splashed leaves and bright berries which follow small star shaped flowers
Solanum crispum ‘Glasnevin’
A scrambling climber with dark green leaves. Fragrant clusters of deep purple-blue flowers from summer to autumn, followed by yellowish white fruits.
Solanum dulcamara ‘Variegatum’
A woody-based perennial vine with variegated dark green leaves. Pale purple-blue flowers from early summer to autumn, followed by bright red fruits.
Solanum jasminoides ‘Album’
A scrambling climber with dark green leaves. Fragrant clusters of white flowers from summer to autumn, followed by black fruits.
Solanum laciniatum
An evergreen shrub with mid-green leaves. Clusters of dark blue flowers from summer to autumn, followed by bright orange fruits.
Solanum pseudocapsicum ‘Joker’
A very colourful houseplant grown for its large bright berries which follow small star shaped flowers
Solanum pseudocapsicum ‘Red Giant’
A very colourful houseplant grown for its large bright berries which follow small star shaped flowers
Solanum pseudocapsicum ‘Tom Thumb’
A very colourful houseplant grown for its bright berries which follow small star shaped flowers
Solanum rantonnetii
A lax evergreen shrub with wavy margined green leaves. Clusters of dark or pale blue to violet-blue flowers from summer to autumn, followed by red fruits.