Showing 9805–9816 of 10385 results

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Streptosolen jamesonii

A tall slender-stemmed scrambling bush with finely wrinkled green leaves. Pretty yellow to orange-yellow flowers from late spring to late summer. May be contained with pruning.

Streptosolen jamesonii

A striking flowering shrub with bright yellow orange flowers produced over a long period

Strobilanthes atropurpureus

A erect branching perennial with dark green leaves. Tubular indigo-blue or purple flowers in summer.

Strobilanthes dyeranus

An attractive foliage plant with purple flushed dark green leaves with a silvery sheen

Stromanthe amabilis

An attractive foliage plant with bold markings in shades of green. Not easy to grow

Stylophorum diphyllum

A downy rosette-forming perennial with pretty, divided hairy pale green leaves. bright golden yellow flowers in summer.

Stylophorum lasiocarpum

A rosette-forming perennial with pretty, divided green leaves. Yellow poppy flowers in summer.

Styrax japonicus

A graceful spreading tree with glossy green leaves, turning yellow or red in autumn. Pretty bell-shaped white flowers produced along the undersides of the branches from early to mid-summer.

Styrax obassia

A graceful spreading tree with rounded green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Pretty racemes of bell-shaped, fragrant white flowers from early to mid-summer.

Succisa pratensis

A rosette-forming perennial with pretty pincushion-like violet flowers on branched stems from mid-summer to late autumn.

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Foliis Variegatis’

A dense bushy shrub with attractive dark green leaves margined yellow. Clusters of tiny bell-shaped, white flowers followed by dark purple-red fruit.

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Taff’s Silver Edge’

A dense bushy shrub with attractive dark green leaves margined white. Clusters of tiny bell-shaped, white flowers followed by dark purple-red fruit.