Viburnum 7.5 ltr tinus ‘Eve Price’
A compact shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of white flowers open from carmine-pink buds, from late winter to spring, followed by dark blue-black fruit.
Viburnum atrocyaneum
An attractive shrub with pretty fragrant white flowers bourne in corymbs.
Viburnum bodnantense ‘Eskimo’
Deciduous shrub of compact statue. Clusters of pink buds in winter open to ice-white globe flower heads in spring. Autumn berries that turn from red to black
Viburnum buddlejifolium
A distinctive shrub with pretty white flowers and softly hairy leaves
Viburnum carlesii
A bushy shrub with dark green leaves turning red in autumn. Very fragrant white or white flushed pink flowers, opening from pink buds from mid to late spring followed by black fruit.
Viburnum carlesii ‘Aurora’
A bushy shrub with dark green leaves turning red in autumn. Very fragrant pink flowers, opening from red buds from mid to late spring followed by black fruit.
Viburnum carlesii ‘Diana’
A bushy shrub with dark green leaves, bronze when young, turning red in autumn. Very fragrant purple-pink flowers fading to white, opening from red buds from mid to late spring, followed by black fruit.
Viburnum cinnamomifolium
A rounded shrub with veined, dark green leaves. Loose clusters of white flowers in early summer, followed by blue-black fruit.
Viburnum davidii
A bushy shrub with veined, dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring, followed by metallic-blue fruit. Both male and female plants needed to produce fruit.
Viburnum davidii (Female)
A bushy shrub with veined, dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring, followed by metallic-blue fruit. Both male and female plants needed to produce fruit.
Viburnum davidii [Male]
A bushy shrub with veined, dark green leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers in late spring, followed by metallic-blue fruit. Both male and female plants needed to produce fruit.
Viburnum farreri
An erect shrub with dark green leaves, bronze when young, turning purple-red in autumn. Fragrant white flowers open from pink buds, on bare stems from late autumn, followed by bright red fruit.