Berberis thunbergii ‘Red Pillar’
Narrow erect shrub with purple-red leaves turning bright red in autumn. Red-tinged pale yellow flowers are followed by glossy red fruit.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’
Attractive shrub, purple-red leaves are splashed white and silver-pink. Red-tinged pale yellow flowers are followed by glossy red fruit.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Silver Beauty’
Attractive shrub, green leaves are mottled with creamy white. Red-tinged pale yellow flowers are followed by glossy red fruit.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Tricolor’ (v)
A beautiful variegated shrub with excellent autumn colour.
Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea
Tall shrub with dark purple-red leaves. Pale yellow red-tinged flowers are followed by glossy red fruit. Excellent autumn colour.
Berberis Thungbergii ‘Green Carpet’
Spreading shrub with magnificent autumnal colouring. Cream/Pale lemon spring flowers.
Berberis verruculosa
Compact shrub with arching stems, spine-tipped leaves are glossy, dark green above, grey-white beneath. Golden yellow flowers are followed by white-glaucous purple fruit.
Berberis wilsoniae
Dense shrub with very spiny, arching stems, grey-green leaves. Clusters of pale yellow flowers are followed by translucent, coral-pink to red fruit.
Berberis x carminea ‘Pirate King’
Vigorous arching shrub with grey green leaves, Round yellow flowers are followed by bright scarlet-red fruit.
Berberis x frikartii ‘Amstelveen’
Compact shrub with arching stems, glossy, dark green above, grey-white beneath. Clusters of yellow flowers are followed by blue-glaucous black fruit.
Berberis x frikartii ‘Telstar’
A compact flat topped variety when mature with glossy dark green spiny leaves.
Berberis x interposita ‘Wallich’s Purple’
The glossy spiny dark green leaves are an attractive purple when young.