Showing 817–828 of 1176 results

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Pandanus veitchii ‘Compacta’

An attractive foliage plant with spirally arranged long arching strap-like leaves with a sharp serrated edge


Very beautiful orchid which bears solitary but distinctive exotic looking flowers

Parodia chrysacanthion

A pretty spherical cactus covered in a thick yellow wool and beautiful pale yellow funnel shaped flowers

Parodia leninghausii

An attractive cactus, spherical when young later becoming cylindrical, with beautiful pale yellow funnel shaped flowers

Parodia microsperma

A striking looking spherical cactus with red spines and showy red or yellow funnel shaped flowers

Parodia ottonis

An attractive cactus with long brown spines and rich yellow funnel shaped flowers

Passiflora caerulea

A showy very free flowering climber with an intricate structure to the exotic looking flowers.

Passiflora quadrangularis

A showy free flowering climber with an intricate structure to exotic looking flowers.

Pedilanthus tithymaloides

A unusual looking succulent with sharply zigzagged stems

Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Variegatus’

A unusual looking succulent with sharply zigzagged stems and variegated foliage

Pellaea rotundifolia

An easy to grow pretty fern with long arching fronds (leaves) with button-like 'leaflets'

Pellaea viridis

An easy to grow pretty fern with typical fern-like foliage