Draba rigida var. bryoides
A neat dense growing alpine with pretty cross shaped yellow flowers and small inrolled leaves
Draba rigida var. imbricata
A very compact neat dense growing alpine with pretty cross shaped yellow flowers
Draba rosularis
A neat dense growing alpine with pretty cross shaped yellow flowers. Very free flowering
Dracaena borinquesis
A handsome foliage plant with dark green margined wavy edged leaves
Dracaena draco
A handsome foliage plant with red edged green leaves
Dracaena fragrans
A stately foliage plant with long arching mid green leaves and small strongly fragrant white flowers when mature
Dracaena fragrans ‘Lindenii’
A stately foliage plant with long arching mid green leaves edged yellow.
Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’
A stately foliage plant with long arching mid green leaves and a golden corn coloured central band
Dracaena fragrans ‘Victoria’
A stately foliage plant with long arching mid green leaves with a broad yellow stripe.
Dracaena fragrans Deremensis Group ‘Bausei’
A stately foliage plant with two white bands down the length of each leaf providing a bold and attractive feature.
Dracaena fragrans Deremensis Group ‘Green Stripe’
A stately foliage plant with a deep lime green stripe down the margin of each leaf providing a bold and attractive feature.
Dracaena fragrans Deremensis Group ‘Janet Criag’
A stately foliage houseplant which provide a bold and attractive feature.