Dryopteris erythrosora prolifera
A handsome fern, slowly creeping, forming finely divided triangular fronds which are bronze when young, slowly turning dark green with green midribs.
Dryopteris felix-mas
The native male fern forming tall mid-green feathery fronds with green midribs.
Dryopteris felix-mas ‘Crispa Cristata’
The native cristata male fern forming well crisped fronds ruffled at the edges with green midribs.
Dryopteris wallichiana
A magnificent fern. The young unfolding fronds are yellow-green, contrasting well with the black hairy midrib and stems.
Duchesnea indica
An evergreen rosette-forming perennial with hairy dark green leaves. Bears yellow flowers followed by unpalatable red fruit. Produces runners.
Duchesnea indica
An easy to care for plant with a long period of interest
Duchesnea indica ‘Harlequin’
An evergreen rosette-forming perennial with hairy, red tinted foliage, speckled white. Bears yellow flowers followed by unpalatable red fruit. Produces runners.
Duchesnea indica ‘Harlequin’
An easy to care for plant with red tinged foliage speckled white
Eccremocarpus scaber
A vigorous climber with boldly veined, light green leaves and orange-red tubular flowers.
Echeveria agavoides
An attractive succulent with pale green leaves with transparent red edges and pretty flower stems of yellow tipped red flowers
Echeveria derenbergii
A lovely succulent with heavily frosted green leaves with red margins and pretty flower stems of bell shaped flowers
Echeveria elegans
A lovely succulent with silvery blue foliage and pretty flower stems of pink tipped yellow flowers