Epimedium x rubrum
A clump-forming perennial with, green leaves, flushed red when young, turning red in autumn. Charming crimson and pale yellow flowers with short spurs.
Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’
A clump-forming perennial with heart-shaped, green leaves, copper-red and brown when young. Charming pink and yellow flowers with red tinted spurs.
Epimedium x warleyense
A clump-forming perennial with green leaves tinted red in spring and autumn. Charming reddish orange flowers with yellow centres.
Epimedium x youngianum ‘Merlin’
Delicate cup-shaped dusky mauve flowers and purple flushed young green leaves
Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’
A clump-forming perennial with bright green leaves on red tinted stems. Charming pure white flowers contrasting well with the foliage.
Epimedium x youngianum ‘Roseum’
A clump-forming perennial with bright green leaves on red tinted stems. Charming dusky pink to purple flowers.
Epipactis gigantea
An orchid with spirally arranged leaves and dense spikes of pretty bright, greenish yellow, veined flowers.
Epipremnum (Scindapsis) aureum ‘Exotica’
An easy to grow foliage plant with attractive lance shaped glossy green and silver foliage
Epipremnum (Scindapsis) aureum ‘Tricolor’
An easy to grow foliage plant with attractive heart shaped glossy foliage
Epipremnum (Scindapsus) aureum
An easy to grow foliage plant with attractive heart shaped glossy green foliage blotched yellow
Epipremnum (Scindapsus) aureum ‘Golden Queen’
An easy to grow foliage plant with attractive heart shaped glossy yellow foliage blotched green
Epipremnum (Scindapsus) aureum ‘Marble Queen’
An easy to grow foliage plant with attractive heart shaped glossy white foliage blotched green