Anthyllis vulneraria var. coccinea
Annual or short-lived perennial with spreading , silky-hairy green leaves, Bears clusters of bright red flowers.
Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii
A small shrubby perennial with woolly stems and leaves and yellow flowers in summer.
Antirrhinum hispanicum ssp. hispanicum roseum
A dwarf small shrubby perennial with dark leaves and pale pink flowers in summer.
Antirrhinum molle
A small shrubby perennial with dark leaves and pale pink or yellow flowers in summer.
Aphelandra aurantica
A pretty houseplant with attractive large green leaves and prominent white veins and eye catching erect, cone-like flowers
Aphelandra squarrosa
A pretty houseplant with attractive large green leaves and prominent white veins and eye catching erect, cone-like flowers
Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Brockfeld’
A pretty houseplant with attractive large green leaves and prominent white veins and eye catching erect, cone-like flowers
Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Danica’
A pretty houseplant with attractive large green leaves and prominent white veins and eye catching erect, cone-like flowers
Aphelandra Squarrosa ‘Fritz Pinsler’
A pretty houseplant with attractive large green leaves and very prominent white veins and cone-like flowers
Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Louisae’
A pretty houseplant with attractive large green leaves and prominent white veins and eye catching erect, cone-like flowers
Aponogeton distachyos
Aquatic perennial with lance-shaped, green floating leaves, attractive scented white flowers with purplish anthers, above the water.
Aporocactus flagelliformis
An easy to grow cactus with narrow tubular reflexed pinkish purple flowers. Long narrow stems