Peperomia prostrata
An attractive foliage plant with tiny green leaves marked with silver or bronze
Peperomia rotundifolia
An attractive foliage plant with tiny pale green fleshy leaves, Bears short spikes of yellowish flowers
Peperomia scandens
An attractive foliage plant with pale green heart shaped leaves
Peperomia scandens ‘Variegata’
An attractive foliage plant with yellow edged pale green heart shaped leaves
Peperomia verticilata
An attractive foliage plant with beautiful soft hairy leaves which are pale pink underneath
Pereskia aculeata ‘Godseffiana’
An unusual cactus with fleshy stems and peach coloured leaves purplish red underneath. Produces masses of long lasting creamy white flowers
Pericallis hybrida
A very free flowering houseplant which will provide attractive daisy-like blooms for up to eight weeks. Keep cool
Pericallis hybrida ‘Gaytime’
A very free flowering houseplant which will provide attractive daisy-like blooms for up to eight weeks. Keep cool
Pericallis hybrida ‘Gubler’s Mixed’
A very free flowering houseplant which will provide attractive heads of double blooms for up to eight weeks. Keep cool
Pericallis hybrida ‘Mixed Star’
A very free flowering houseplant which will provide attractive double blooms for up to eight weeks. Keep cool
Pericallis hybrida ‘Spring Glory’
A very free flowering houseplant which will provide attractive daisy-like blooms for up to eight weeks. Keep cool
Pericallis hybrida ‘Triumph’
A very free flowering houseplant which will provide attractive daisy-like blooms for up to eight weeks. Keep cool