Aeonium tabuliforme
An attractive unbranched succulent with spoon shaped bright green leaves and large panicles of bright yellow flowers
Aeschynanthus javanicus
Unusual cream throated red flowers with a brown 'case'
Aeschynanthus lobbianus
Unusual cream throated red flowers with a brown 'case'
Aeschynanthus marmoratus
Attractively marbled dark and pale green leaves which are red underneath
Aeschynanthus pulcher
Unusual yellow throated red flowers with a brown 'case'
Aeschynanthus speciosus
Unusual erect yellow throated red flowers are bourne in terminal clusters
Agapanthus africans
A beautiful flowering plant with large round heads of tubular flowers
Agapanthus orientalis
A beautiful flowering plant with large round heads of tubular flowers
Agave americana
An impressive succulent with spiny lance shaped leaves with large panicles on very tall flower stems of greenish-yellow flowers
Agave americana ‘Marginata’
An impressive succulent with spiny lance shaped variegated leaves with large panicles of flowers on tall stems
Agave americana ‘Mediopicta’
An impressive succulent with cream centred spiny, lance shaped leaves, with large panicles of flowers on tall stems
Agave filifera
An impressive succulent with dark green lance shaped leaves margined with fine threads