Stachys macrantha ‘Robusta’
A clump-forming perennial with veined, wrinkled dark green leaves. Dense, erect spikes of hooded rosy mauve flowers from early summer to early autumn.
Stachys macrantha ‘Rosea’
A clump-forming perennial with veined, wrinkled dark green leaves. Dense, erect spikes of hooded rose-pink flowers from early summer to early autumn.
Stachys macrantha ‘Superba’
A clump-forming perennial with veined, wrinkled dark green leaves. Dense, erect spikes of hooded deep purplish pink flowers from early summer to early autumn.
Stachys officinalis
A clump-forming perennial with rosettes of veined, wrinkled mid-green leaves. Upright spikes of reddish purple, pink or white flowers from early summer to early autumn.
Stachyurus praecox
An open spreading shrub with arching red-purple stems. Pretty bell-shaped, pendent racemes of pale yellow-green flowers from late winter to early spring.
Stapelia gigantea
A curious houseplant best left in the greenhouse due to the unpleasant smelling ochre-yellow and dark red enormous flowers
Staphyllea Colchica
Deciduous. Growing to 2m-3m tall. Orange blossom fragrant flowers in May; followed by inflated balloon like fruit.
Stauntonia hexaphylla
An evergreen climber with leathery green leaves. Clusters of fragrant, cup-shaped, white flowers, tinged violet in spring.
Stenocactus multicostatus
Pretty funnel shaped flowers often with a stripe on each petal are produced on clusters of flattened spherical stems
Stenocactus zacatecasensis
An unusual cactus with a strange wavy ribbed stem which resembles a 'brain'.
Stenotaphrum secundatum
An interesting grass with distinctive foliage often used in hanging baskets
Stenotaphrum secundatum ‘Variegatum’
An interesting grass with distinctive variegated foliage often used in hanging baskets