Crossandra infundibuliformis ‘Mona Wallhed’
A beautiful houseplant with large glossy leaves and salmon-pink fan-shaped flowers
Crossandra nilotica
A beautiful houseplant with large glossy leaves and vivid red fan-shaped flowers
Cryptanthus acaulis
A striking houseplant with attractive strap-like foliage forming a flat star shaped rosette
Cryptanthus acaulis ‘Rosea-pictus’
A striking houseplant with attractive strap-like variegated foliage forming a flat star shaped rosette
Cryptanthus bivittatus
A striking houseplant with attractive striped foliage forming a flat star shaped rosette
Cryptanthus bromelioides ‘Tricolor’
A striking houseplant with attractive strap-like variegated foliage forming a flat star shaped rosette
Cryptanthus fosterianus
A striking houseplant with attractive strap-like banded foliage forming a flat star shaped rosette
Cryptanthus zonatus
A striking houseplant with attractive strap-like banded foliage forming a flat star shaped rosette
Ctenanthe oppenheimiana ‘Tricolor’
An attractive foliage plant with cream and pale and dark green markings. Wine red undersides to the leaves
Cuphea ignea
A pretty houseplant with red cigar shaped flowers with white and purple mouths
Cuphea ignea ‘Variegata’
A pretty houseplant with red cigar shaped flowers with white and purple mouths. Variegated foliage.
Cyanotis kewensis
An attractive foliage plant with dark green foliage, red underneath, covered in ginger brown hairs